Government Shut Down
I have many mixed emotions about this whole Government shut down. On one hand I'm angry because of the retaliation it will have on our economy, and am scared to see the number of lay-offs rise again. It's never fun to see people you care about work for no pay, or not get paid for work they've already done. On the other hand, I am happy to finally see some patriotism in a group of people standing up and trying to make change in some thing, I believe will become more disastrous as the days march on. But in all honesty, what I think doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things. What matters is who holds the ultimate decision, and what He thinks. (No, I'm not referring to Obama here.. ) Stepping outside the human realm as much as possible, and attempting to look at this from a view outside of myself.. I can't help but wonder, what can I do to reach people through this mess? What a great outreach this could be. How many of your friends or neighbors are...