
Showing posts from March, 2019

Love Changes Everything

    Last week our family experienced the pain of loss when we found out our baby had no heartbeat and stopped developing at 9 weeks. It has been harder than I thought it would be. Physically and emotionally. One of the harder things was having to tell our boys that the baby wouldn't be coming. When we told them we had "lost the baby" our four year old looked shocked as if we had simply misplaced our child. We quickly explained to him that the baby was in heaven. He cried, his older brother cried. We all cried together. What came next? The talk of hope and a simple sweet prayer from our youngest "Dear God, please send us another baby." Though that moment was hard, his prayer was so sweet. It keeps playing through my mind but not for reasons you would think. It keeps reminding me how much His love truly changes everything.   His love changed everything when He traded His throne for a manger. His love changed everything when He gave up His crown of righteousness ...