Suiting Up!
There's an unseen realm around us always. We don't know much about it, but I know from my own experience, that it is real. It's easy to focus on what Christ has done, or drawing nearer to Him. But there needs to be a point we come to when we realize, it's not all about "me". It's not always JUST about meeting with Him, about studying the bible more. Even the prince of demons knows the scriptures. It's about taking the things you have gained from your personal experience with Christ, and using it as a tool to do what we're asked to do, be fishers of men. I love music ministry. I love writing stories, poems, songs etc. But lately I find myself wanting to be more useful. The ministries I'm apart of are vital and important, as all ministries are, but I wonder sometimes, what good is it enough to minister behind walls? I also ask myself "What good is a talent that is hidden away, or put aside to never be used?" I personally s...