God even cares about the little things..
God cares even about the little things. My niece just found Kai's baby bracelet in the driveway! It's solid gold, and I let him wear it once last year to a wedding because he wanted to be dressed like Daddy. He ended up taking it off and the car, handed it to me and I dropped it. It fell under the seat where I couldn't reach it, so I left it there until we got home. I forgot all about it until I saw the empty box in a drawer last week. I felt sick about it, so when Jay told me he was cleaning out his car a few days later, I told him I wanted to check for it. I searched every inch of that car floor to no avail and Jay even vacuumed after that.
I was pretty bummed as its special value wasn't due to it being a precious metal, but a precious gift from his grandparents to mark the day of his dedication. I prayed as I was looking for it and when I didn't find it I considered it a loss. But somehow, I can't even comprehend how, my niece found it in a crack in our driveway! I know we could sit here and discuss the possibilities of how/what happened.. but I am choosing to believe in divine intervention. I am thanking the Lord that what was lost is now found!
That is just how God is with us. Our value isn't in what we have done, or how we look, but because we are His creation. We are precious to Him, and because of that He cares deeply for us; He cares about the things we care about whether big or small. So whatever it is you are praying for today, that thing or that person you care so much about.. or maybe it's for healing, or a break through.. know that He sees you, He's listening, and He cares as much as you. Keep on pressing in!
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.- 1 John 5:14
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