Focus Your Faith

   “ Sometimes life feels so fragmented that I cannot connect feelings to situations. I sure am grateful to know who holds all the pieces and that He will put them together in a way that will one day make sense again. Not my way, but yours oh God.” April 28, 2017

  This status showed up in my Facebook memories today and it took me back to probably one of the hardest times we ever went through. We lost my sister in law suddenly that November before. There was a custody battle for my niece. My mother in law was declining in her fight with cancer and my dad was declining at that moment with an unknown sickness. I was taking care of my dad (who thankfully only lived downstairs), homeschooling a 9 year old, taking care of a 2 year old and working part time. All the while trying to provide emotional support to my mom who was helping my brother with his girls.  Jay was working 50+ hours and usually heading to see his mom after work. If my mom was home to stay with my Dad the kids and I would go visit my mother in law too. The situation got worse before it got better. Some of it is a complete blur. I don’t recall much of my kids at these ages which bothered me for a long time. But man... GOD IS GOOD! When I think back of all that was happening it’s not the daily chaos and stress that’s in the forefront. It’s His unwavering faithfulness. I remember the peace that surrounded us and our household. I remember being totally dependent on God and the freedom there was in living that way. I can see His nearness and how much He sustained us. I remember how true it is that His joy is available even in the pain and it becomes our complete source of strength! I am reminded by this time how precious togetherness is. I see the lessons we were taught. I see how bathrooms became prayer closets and the building up of confidence in Christ throughout our family. (*Romans 5:3&4)I remember witnessing a miracle in my dad’s life after finally getting a diagnosis and treatment. There were struggles and ups and downs. There were many deep, intimate and sometimes sorrowful conversations and events. My beautiful mother-in-law went home to the Lord that June. But even in that sadness there was an overwhelming and undeniable sense of peace. I remember the moments we were pulled above the waves because we had a focus. Our focus was Christ. He was/is the only reason we were victorious from those long 6 months; plus the after shock of grief. (*Philippians 4:13)

   There are so many people grieving. There are so many who are in the fight of their lives right at this moment. There are so many people watching their loved ones fight from afar. There are so many who are on the frontlines who are exhausted and experiencing the sorrow of death and missing out on time with their own families. I don’t pretend to know how it feels to go through any of these scenarios during this already complicated time, but I know how I felt going through my own trial. I also know that the God who held us up and fought for us, is the same God who will do it for you too. Focus your eyes on the only constant there is, Christ. I was reminded of a quote from our Pastor that has always stayed with me “Our circumstances do not change who God is.” -P. David Fisher  Our God is the same yesterday today and forever. He is the same God to the Jews as He is to the gentiles. He will be the same God for you as He was and is for me. Allow faith be ignited in your heart and you will never be alone in the fire. (*1 John 5:4) Your circumstances may not change but your outlook will. Keep your focus on God and He will make ways where there are no ways. This is His desire and His promise according to His word. Just hang on.

* Romans 5:3-4: “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”

* Philippians 4:13: “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith.”

* 1 John 4:5 “God is with you – wherever you may go and no matter what life brings.”


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